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QUA – Quartiere Bene Comune (neighbourhood, common good)

QUA – Quartiere Bene Comune (neighbourhood, common good)

Published on: 07/12/2023 Last update: 09/12/2023 Document

QUA – Quartiere Bene Comune is a project initiated by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia in response to the abolition of Circoscrizioni, a form of administrative decentralization in Italy. The project aims to redefine the relationship between the central government and various territories, such as neighborhoods and villages. The Circoscrizioni previously played a vital role in citizen participation and consultation. QUA represents the municipality's reinterpretation of decentralization and democratic processes, focusing on building a co-city model. This model emphasizes co-responsibility in governing urban commons, including services and territorial infrastructures. The goal is to foster collaboration between territorial communities and the administration in making public policy decisions through innovative service models and community projects.


Type of document
Open source case study