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Organizational interoperability

Published on: 27/02/2025 Discussion

Does anyone in this platform support the idea that before designing technology solutions for interoperability, you'll first need a solution for the organizational interoperability? If you scan the site for topics and solutions, it seems everything is focused at technology... This typically resembles levels 1 and 2 of the Value Maturity Model, while we all have level 4 in mind .
To elaborate on the other side of the coin: organizational interoperability explains how actors (organizations) in an ecosystem can cooperate to deliver integrated results. The simple fact that no team in an organization can do anything by itself any more, and that no organization in a single country can do anything by themselves any more, tells us that no actor in any ecosystem can do anything by themselves any more. They are all heavily dependent upon many others to deliver any value to a any customer (civilian, other government, business, or whatever). We all live in a dependent society nowadays. This dependency requires a solution for the cooperation between all actors in the ecosystem, especially if this ecosystems crosses our borders. And that cooperation requires some level of standardization ('normalization') of the interfacing between the actors in the ecosystem.
This perspective has been adopted by Dutch government for their integrated approach to public services, which is based on  a public method developed in the Netherlands. This method, Unified Service Management, is now used in 13 countries, and is available in Dutch, English, Spanish, and German, with Portuguese coming up. I'd like to discuss how the knowledge in the method can be used to support the interoperability challenges in the EU.