This framework fosters the Digital Innovation in the Commission with an innovation lab inside the European Commission; by promoting co-innovation with DGs and agencies; and fostering collaboration with EU public administrations.
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The Digital Innovation framework facilitates and fosters the Digital Innovation in the Commission, mainly through:
- Identification, assessment, and exploration of technological areas with innovation potential, processes and activities (e.g.: in support to policy making and to the functioning of the Commission).
- Encouraging collaboration between internal and external (other institutions, academia, vendors, civil society) stakeholders.
- Streamlining Digital Innovation initiatives and generate synergies cross-DGs/agencies/institutions.
The set-up of the “Corporate Digital Innovation” framework relies on three operational strands:
- iLab: Create and run an innovation lab (iLab) to foster Digital Innovation in the European Commission, by investing in innovation cooperatively between Commission’s services, and other parties (e.g., vendors, academia, civil society).
- Co-innovation: Promote a co-innovation approach to ICT developments, initiated by one or several DGs/agencies, targeting prototypes/pilots/proofs of concept on technological areas with innovation potential and set-up the underlying framework to operationalize them in a systematic way.
- Digital Pole: Foster the collaboration between the European Commission and the EU public administrations on the operational development and implementation of solutions in selected technological areas with great innovation potential.
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