Published on: 16/11/2020
Last update: 28/05/2024
Release of the 12 November 2020
1. New features & Improvements
Please see below the new features and improvements which have been added:
- New Slider question element (combined with Number into Number-Slider).
- New Time question element to collect time values.
- New feature for sending automatically confirmation emails to the survey respondents.
- New feature to blank answers of a specific question (useful for data protection).
- New option on the Results screen to delete all results for a specific question.
- Add Asc-Desc sorting arrows for the Survey Search.
- The behaviour of ‘Add new translation’ dialog box has been improved.
- Addition of a disclaimer for the use of the eTranslation service.
- Addition of a global filter ‘My surveys’ on the Dashboard.
- Addition of Date Pickers for filtering on results page.
- For Quiz survey, the score obtained for each question appears in the contribution.
- Improvement of the language selector.
- Improvement of the Guest List.
- Error pages have been reviewed and updated.
- Deactivation of invitation link when contact has been removed from guest-list.
- Help messages are now only shown when the user has clicked on the icon.
2. Predefined list
- Update and rename the 'Commission DGs' predefined list into 'Departments & Executive agencies'.
3. Bug fixes
As usual, many bug have been fixed. Below a short selection:
- ‘Gaelic’ language has been changed into ‘Irish’ as requested by DGT.
- Fixed a bug regarding questions unexpectedly reordered.
- Fixed a visual bug that occurred on small screens.
- Fixed a bug about multiple languages displayed in Draft emails.
4. API / XML generated
- Update of the API specifications document
- Addition of the specifications for the new Question Element TIME
Last update: 17/11/2022
EUSurvey v1.5.1
European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 (EUPL)