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EIF Perspective attributes of EUSurvey

General information

Name of the solution:

Solution's owner: European Commission


 EUSurvey, the new version of IPM, is a multilingual online survey management system built for the creation and publication of surveys and public consultations.

It covers all steps of a survey life cycle, from the design to the launch of the survey to the analysis and publication of results. It offers different types of questions, from simple text and multiple-choice questions to spreadsheet questions or multi-media survey elements. Results can be displayed as histograms, percentages or in full detail and can be exported to different formats and published automatically on a dedicated webpage within the application. It is widely accessible and provides support for either identification or anonymity, depending on survey requirements.  

EIF perspective reference
Type of solution: Common frameworks
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The EUSurvey implements the following:

EUSurvey implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:

  • Recommendation 3 | Openness

    EUSurvey is distributed as open source on the GitHUB platform and can be reused in other software solutions.

  • Recommendation 12 | User centricity

    As a widely accessible survey platform, EUSurvey can be used to involve users in the design, assessment and further development of public services. Indeed, it can be used for public consultations on different EU initiatives, but can also be used for other non EU purposes.

  • Recommendation 16 | Multilingualism

    EUSurvey allows to produce multi-language surveys, thus enabling multilingualism.

  • Recommendation 30 | Semantic interoperability

    EUSurvey is based on open specifications.