EULF Blueprint now aligned with UN-GGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF)

We are pleased to announce the 'soft launch' of a number of improvements to the European Union Location Framework (EULF) Blueprint online content.
These include a comprehensive cross-reference with the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF). There are strong synergies between the EULF Blueprint and the UN IGIF Implementation Guidance. Public administrations planning advances in their use of location data for policy or digital public services can now access in an integrated way the combined resources of both frameworks.
At the same time, for each Blueprint recommendation, we have improved the online content navigation, expanded the EIF cross-referencing information, included a table of relevant ELISE resources and added to the further reading. We have also linked the Blueprint guidance to equivalent LIFO monitoring results (see below).
This is the 'soft launch' of the first part of a new EULF Blueprint version (v5) for 2021. Further new content will be added in the summer, including updates from the LIFO 2020 monitoring. All the revisions will be incorporated in a new downloadable version of the published Blueprint v5 document.
Explore LIFO monitoring results in the new LIFO Interactive Dashboards
The Location Interoperability Framework Observatory Framework Observatory (LIFO) monitors location interoperability good practices in Europe, basing its assessments on the level of adoption of EULF Blueprint recommendations. LIFO 2019 results have already been published. LIFO 2020 data has been collected and results are currently being documented.

Ahead of publishing the LIFO 2020 results, we are pleased to announce a new capability enabling LIFO users to explore and visualise the results in a series of LIFO Interactive Dashboards.
Users can display results for the different levels of the Blueprint (e.g. focus areas, recommendations) and compare results in different countries. They can also find out more about the related EULF Blueprint guidance at the click of a button.
LIFO 2019 results are currently available in the LIFO Interactive Dashboards. LIFO 2020 results will be added later in the summer, together with the LIFO country factsheets and LIFO European State of Play Report.
As part of this important upgrade, LIFO content has been converted to a 'Solution' on Joinup. This means that navigation for users is much better and LIFO content can more easily be tailored to user needs.
These capabilities are being introduced as a 'soft launch'', We would like feedback on their usefulness and what can be done to make improvements ahead of the formal launch with LIFO 2020 results and documentation.
Please send any feedback or queries on both of these new developments to francesco.pignatelli@ec.europa.eu
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