Business process
eGovernment process,
work process,
work flow
A business process is defined as the way in which organisations create products, services and policies. It is a succession of interconnected activities that, starting from an identifiable input, result in a defined output in the form of a product or service.
Source: Dessers, E., Van Hootegem, G., Crompvoets, J., & Hendriks, P. H. J. (2010). Developing spatially enabled business processes: The role of organisational structures. In A. Rajabifard, J. Crompvoets, M. Kalantari, & B. Kok (Eds.), Spatially enabling society. Research, emerging trends, and critical assessment (pp. 41–54). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
ELISE Resources: Architectures and Standards Guidelines for Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and Digital Government