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ELISE Webinar: Supporting Policy Initiatives

Published on: 26/04/2021 Last update: 30/04/2021 Event Archived

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How to make the best use of location information in the policy lifecycle?

Since “everything happens somewhere”, location data has become essential for many fields like environment, agriculture, regional and local planning, transport, energy, health, and tourism and culture. 

Public administrations increasingly recognise the value of location information to understand policy impacts, interact with citizens and businesses, and manage resources and emergencies. Consequently, location data, location interoperability, and location intelligence play a key role in the digital transformation of government, business, and society; they help develop evidence-based policy and monitor their progress. 

Location data should be available for all users to make the most of it; Aspects such as data quality, licensing conditions, and data privacy, among others, should take into account the user’s needs. It is also necessary to align existing policies and strategic frameworks to avoid inefficiencies, duplication of efforts, and unnecessary costs.

Location information facilitates the process of policymaking. It nurtures all stages of policies’ life cycle by providing evidence, patterns, and planning of future implementations, among many other contributions. 

The ELISE ISA² action “European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government” supports Digital Government Transformation by making the best use of location data and technologies in an interoperable manner. In this spirit, the ELISE ISA2 action has supported different policy initiatives, including Better Regulation, Digital Single Market Strategy goals and the European Interoperability Framework

This webinar will offer an opportunity to review and discuss how location information in general and the ELISE ISA2 action, in particular, can/have contributed to support policy.

Augmented reality

In this webinar, Massimo Pedroli  from Deloitte will walk you through the following topics:

  • The role of ELISE action in supporting policy initiatives
  • How can location information be used in the different stages of the policy lifecycle?
  • User journeys showcasing the use of location in various stages of policy lifecycle
  • ELISE action outcomes leveraging the use of location information in different policy lifecycle stages
  • Key messages, remaining challenges and future outlook

The core of the webinar will present a series of user journeys, presenting the use of location in various stages of policy lifecycle and relating them to how ELISE contributions can provide support and guidance.


This event is part of the mini-series "ELISE Knowledge Transfer event pack" aiming at showcasing the main outcomes of the ELISE ISA2 action in the following areas:

Discover how you can benefit from ELISE outcomes!
Check out the details, dates and registration information here


This webinar is also part of the Webinar series organised by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre under the ELISE ISA2 Action.  It aims to discuss major subjects related to the use of geospatial data, technology, and skills in line with interoperability frameworks and practices, supporting the contributions already produced by ELISE in Digital Government transformation.

The webinar will take place on 04/05/2021 from  14:00 to 15:15 CEST (UTC+2).

Register here


If you are interested in this webinar, do not hesitate to register by clicking on the following button. You will receive a confirmation email with the instructions on how to join this webinar.


If you cannot join, you may register anyway in order to receive both the registration and the supporting material afterwards.

After the webinar, you will be able to find here both the recording and the supporting slides of this webinar.

If you are interested in knowing more about ELISE Webinars you can find further information here.


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