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ELISE Webinar - Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) as the glue for linking information infrastructures

Published on: 15/06/2019 Last update: 12/05/2021 Event Archived

Through the Web, we can access data sets and information, geospatial and non-geospatial, in databases from different organisations, in different countries all over the world. Such information and data often change, making it difficult to publish, maintain and share them in accurate and meaningful ways. Special mechanisms are, therefore, needed that correctly identify both whole data sets and the individual data objects they contain.

Data objects can refer to existing ‘things’ in the real world, such as a specific building or person, or to virtual ‘things’, such as a political boundary that can appear on a map but are, otherwise, invisible on the ground. Moreover, sometimes we can also find the same ‘things’ being referred to in different data sets, offering something to connect to that can also help manage some of the complexity of how our world works. Such representation and linking is the basis of Linked Data, which have been recognised by Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and e-Government as a way of making data and information more visible and connected.

Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) support this managed identification and linking for a range of data-sharing resources, such as metadata, services, registries, vocabularies, and code lists. They need to be long-lasting, globally unique references to digital resources to ensure a user can refer to the same data set, object or ‘thing’. Moreover, their management can create collaboration and coordination opportunities and challenges relevant to the Digital Transformation of Government, where geospatial data has a particular role to play.

This webinar will focus on the need for PIDs as part of SDI, e-Government and Digital Transformation efforts.

It will start with an introduction to the different types and forms of PIDs and discuss PID strategy elements, including their governance, registration, validation and long-term preservation, as well as some rules for PID design. The webinar will also include examples illustrating the consequences of the lack of (well-designed) PIDs and how that makes successful searching for data sets or particular (spatial) objects difficult for both data providers and users. The webinar will also present some recommendations and ideas for an improved PID strategy.


The webinar will take place on 15/07/2019 from 14h to 15.30h. 

If you are interested in this webinar, do not hesitate to enrol by registering through this link.

If you experience any problem or you have issues registering, please contact:
Lorena Hernández (lorena.hernandez(at)


Check out the recording  and supporting slides of this webinar.

If you are interested in knowing more about ELISE Rapid Studies and Webinars you can find further information here




Persistent Identifiers

  • What are they ?
  • Different types of PID’s
  • Why are they important?
  • PID’s in the context of SDI

Challenges in PID management

  • What others have experienced
  • Referencing geospatial objects

Best Practices for PID

  • The Flemish and Dutch case


Next steps


  • References
  • Relevant links
Virtual location