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ELISE Webinar - Geospatial Technology and Public Participation

Published on: 22/07/2019 Last update: 12/05/2021 Event Archived

This webinar provides an overview of changing dynamics in the role of the citizen in the geospatial domain. Since the turn of the century, geospatial technologies have increasingly facilitated the involvement of stakeholders in decisions. The key question addressed in the webinar, is how this contributes to the public’s influence on decision-making.

The webinar starts with a systematic review of the scientific literature on how innovations in geospatial technologies impacted participatory processes. This leads to a typology of geospatial enabled dynamics between governments and citizens. Connections between geo-participation and government operations vary from collecting local spatial knowledge, to creating new opportunities for improving the openness and operational efficiency of governments; from grassroots movements to co-creation.

The webinar will then present a brief history of EU research programmes and projects addressing geo-participation practice through various techniques, processes and types of outcomes. Key findings and results from past and ongoing projects and case studies will be used to explore the contributions of different technologies in terms of geospatial-enabled dynamics between governments and citizens, and to identify good practises.

Two examples of ongoing research at the JRC will also be further explored in order to understand the role of citizens’ participation and the mostly affected policy processes: 1) volunteered geographic information with OpenStreetMap, used for empowerment through participatory GIS, 2) preliminary findings from the citizen science Citizen Science survey in Europe.

The webinar is the fourth of a series of “Rapid Studies” under the ELISE Action of the ISA² Programme that aim to quickly engage with new topics of relevance to location interoperability, the digital transformation of government and socio-technical developments in this arena.


The webinar will take place on the 28/08/2019 from 14h to 15h30. 

If you are interested in this webinar, do not hesitate to enrol by registering through this link.

If you experience any problem or you have issues registering, please contact:
Robin Smith (Robin.Smith(at)

Check out the recording  and supporting slides of this webinar.

If you are interested in knowing more about ELISE Rapid Studies and Webinars you can find further information here



Introduction to the topic

Systematic review of the scientific literature

  • traditional conceptual frameworks for analyzing Geospatial enabled dynamics between governments and citizens
  • case studies and good practices around the turn of the century

Lessons learned from evolution, case studies in

  • empowerment through participatory GIS
  • co-creation through Citizen-Science

Synthesis of main messages


Virtual location