Welcome to the Interoperable Europe (IOPEU) Academy’s resource page. As a course owner or designer, you can find instructions and templates for proposing, developing, managing and testing your eLearning course.
The use of these resources is encouraged to ensure high-quality and proper functioning of the courses, as they are based on our previous experience and work with different stakeholders. By doing so, you can benefit from being part of the organised curriculum and course dissemination, making sure that all EU Member States have unified training on interoperability.
Guidelines, Essential Course Information and Checklists
Below you can find all the necessary guidelines and checklists that need to be followed during the course creation process.
In this document you will find guidelines for the course creation.
In this document you will find the information to request a course creation.
In this document you will find the checklists for the course testing and deployment.
Course Creation Process
There are two approaches to create a course:
- You create the course with the guidance of the Interoperable Europe Academy team;
- The Interoperable Europe Academy team creates the course based on your input and material.
The approach must be agreed to by the Interoperable Europe Academy.
The Interoperable Europe Academy is hosted within the EU Academy platform as the Interoperability track. To get access to the Interoperable Europe Academy, please contact IOP-Academy (at)

IOPEU Academy Course Creation Process