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Member for: 2 years

Marta Puente

Last update: 17/11/2023

Public Multilingual Knowledge Management Infrastructure (PMKI) platform

Business and competitionLanguages and translationContent and knowledge management
Last update: 17/01/2024

Levels of interoperability

The interoperability levels or layers organise the different interoperability aspects to be addressed when designing European public services:There are four layers of interoperability: legal...
Last update: 10/12/2024

Underlying principles

This chapter sets out general interoperability principles which are relevant to the process of establishing interoperable European public services. They describe the context in which European public services are designed and implemented.
Last update: 17/01/2024

Conceptual Model

Use the conceptual model for European public services to design new services or re-engineer existing ones and reuse, whenever possible, existing service and data components. Information sources (base...
Digital-ready policymaking
Last update: 22/11/2023

EIF Policy

The European Interoperability Framework was undertaken by the European Commission in 2017 and it gives specific guidance on how to set up interoperable digital public services. The EIF is addressed to...
Digital-ready policymaking
Last update: 20/08/2024

Increasing science and business cooperation in Lithuania

​​​​​The responsible organisation Lithuanian Innovation Centre‘s (LIC) mission is to provide innovation support services by implementing Lithuanian innovation policy. The main strategic goal of LIC is...
Business and competitionArtificial intelligence
Last update: 01/10/2024

GovTech Connect

Smart citiesDigital-ready policymaking+3 topics