A communication service between administrations, including unstructured information, in accordance with Articles 32 and 34 of Royal Decree 1671/2009.
CORINTO enables the creation of different thematic inbox folders to receive communications sent by different bodies. It allows to easily create folders that can be configured with different options of signature and register.
Among other factors, it allows to establish the rules of exchange between the different units that will be communicated through a secure mechanism, with register guarantees and the ones provided by the electronic signature mechanisms.
CORINTO allows to configure each unit of the Directory with the possibility of referral, to units which are set, for each inbox folder. Similarly, these units may be any of the existing in DIR3: local entities, units of the autonomous regions and all of the National State Administration.
For each referral, the sender and the receiver could share attached documentation to that request.
Web Services
Furthermore, the communication between different units may be performed in such a way that the interlocutors of the communication may be indiscriminately:
- individuals or public employees who access with digital certificate; and
applications which provide mechanisms of automation through web services for referral and consultation of the status of the same, etc.
Responsible Organisms
Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública
Secretaría de Estado de Función Pública
Secretaría General de Administración Digital
Intended Audience
Any Public Administration
How to use
Network service integrable in customers applications
Network service for end-users