The Electronic File Management Metadata (e-EMGDE) application gathers the minimum required metadata as defined in the Technical Interoperability Standards for E-Documents and E-Files, as well as relevant supplementary metadata, under an e-document management and preservation policy.
The metadata is one of the three components of the electronic document, together with the content (the data set underlying the information in an electronic document), and the electronic signature.
The metadata is articulated in a ‘metadata framework, defined by royal decree 4/2010 as “instrument that defines the incorporation and metadata management of content, context and structure of electronic documents throughout its life cycle”.
The technical standard of interoperability, Electronic Documents Management Policy, refers in its paragraph VII.4 to the Metadata Framework for the management of the electronic document (e-EMGDE) which includes the mandatory minimum metadata, as defined in the technical standards of interoperability of electronic Document and electronic File, as well as other relevant supplementary metadata in a policy for the management and maintenance of electronic documents. It may be used as a reference and tool to support the adequacy of each organization to the interoperability requirements regarding documents management.
The e-EMGDE framework states:
- the conceptual model that supports the metadata model, its properties and its underlying logic;
- the description of each metadata element and sub-element, through the description of each of its characteristics: definition, purpose, compulsion, etc;
- the value schemas necessary for implementing the values of the relevant metadata elements; and
- the references to standards used as a basis, as well as other rules potentially useful.
The Metadata Framework is inspired by the Australian Government on Recordkeeping Metadata Standard Version 2.0, adapted to the Spanish regulation requirements. In particular, the e-EMGDE includes the minimum mandatory metadata, defined in the technical standards for interoperability of Electronic Document and Electronic file, as well as other relevant supplementary metadata in a management and maintenance of electronic documents policy.
The metadata framework is based on an entity-relationship model recognizing the existence of various entities: document, agent, activity, regulation, relationship and the use of relationships and events to record the context. It constitutes a functional model for the implementation of the metadata as a global management tool within an organization through a multi-entity approach in which relations between the documents and the remaining elements of the system are treated as entities.
Responsible Organisms
Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública
Secretaría de Estado de Función Pública
Secretaría General de Administración Digital
Intended Audience
General State Administration