During previous years, the UN-GGIM Europe Working Group on Data Integration has analysed current and future trends in geospatial data integration. Examples of best practices have been collected and data integration methods that are especially relevant in a European context have been identified. This has resulted in a series of recommendations aiming towards an enhanced geospatial data integration experience, both at national and European level. The recommendations address technical and methodological bottlenecks, but also discuss challenges related to organisational setup, use of resources and capacity building.
This first webinar in the series will take stock of data integration experiences and perspectives at the level of EU institutions and services. Findings and challenges related to both data production, integration and analytical use will be considered. This webinar is designed as a scene-setter and introduction to the more focused settings that will follow later this year.
- Provide an up-to-date overview of some major EU experiences in geospatial data integration, including aspects of actual data production and use for research and policy support purposes.
- Provide a forum for discussion on key challenges in European geospatial data integration including various stakeholders.
- Encourage opportunities for future cooperation and joint work, both within the framework of the working group and/or on a bilateral or multilateral basis among stakeholders.
- Welcome and introduction (European Commission, Eurostat and Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy – webinar chaired and moderated by Márta NAGY-ROTHENGASS, Eurostat) [5’]
- • Setting the scene: conclusions of the previous work of the working group on data integration (Chairs of the UN-GGIM Europe Line of Work ‘Data Integration’) [10’]
- • Geospatial data integration and statistics – experiences and outlook (Hannes REUTER, Eurostat) [10’]
- • Challenges and opportunities regarding geospatial data integration for EU-wide territorial policy support (Hugo POELMAN, DG REGIO) [10’]
- • Data integration, an asset for policy support and research (Francesco PIGNATELLI, JRC) [10’]
- • Q&A (moderated by Márta NAGY-ROTHENGASS, Eurostat) [10’] • Interactive session (moderated by Joachim MAES, DG REGIO) [30’]
- • Conclusion and path forward (Eurostat and UN-GGIM: Europe) [5’]