VocBench3 8.0 Switch to the latest release
Published on: 29/09/2020
Last update: 22/04/2024
VocBench 3 v8.0 is now available and can be downloaded from
VocBench 3 v8.0 includes the following features:
- Custom Services tool,
- Invokable Reports tool (based on Custom Services),
- Support (in the form of a tool) for connecting to the SKOS diffing system [https://bitbucket.org/art-uniroma2/skosdiff/],
- Notification mechanism,
- Possibility for the user to modify the scenario suggested by MAPLE, in Alignment,
- ResourceMetadata tool for the management of resource metadata on creation/update/deletion events,
- Configurable dataset catalog connectors,
- Improved CustomForm widget by exploiting new PEARL annotations,
- Organization of projects in directories,
- Renewed UI of the ACL matrix,
- A AND filter for concept scheme enabled when browsing the concept tree,
- Support for no-lexicon mode in OntoLex lexical entries view (i.e. if no lexicon has been selected, then all lexical entries are shown),
- Scalability checks for preventing painting of lists or trees with too many elements (which are then replaced by search panels on-the-fly),
- Alternative ResourceView ('TermView') tailored for terminologists and lexicographers,
- Alternative ResourceView ('CodeView') for viewing/editing the description of resources directly through RDF code,
- Improved exploitation of the Metadata Registry of SemanticTurkey,
- Improved support for OWL2,
- Improved Manchester syntax editor with autocompletion and error markers,
- Improved the RDF Resource visualization widget for supporting callbacks to various syntax highlights,
- On validation, any user who performed an action may reject it, even with no validation capability,
- The class diagram visualization is now stable (it was experimental in 7.0.0),
- Docker distribution of VB3,
- Support for highlighting Manchester syntax to the improved RDF Resource widget,
- Minor bugfixes and improvements,
and builds on the features added in the v7.0 release, i.e.:
- Introduced EDOAL projects,
- Support for alignment generation and validation through a remote alignment system (Genoma),
- Support for SHACL shapes,
- Possibility to delete connected remote repositories when deleting a project,
- Template-based mechanism that allows for the customization of the ResourceView, making it possible to indicate the partitions to hide,
- The Administrator can setup defaults for this setting for all users
- ResourceView partitions are now subject to authorization check: the partitions for which the user has not the required capabilities are automatically hidden,
- CustomRanges for lexicalization properties (with forms in overlaying)
- Display of images on ResourceView (it can be enabled/disabled through a setting),
- Rendering of foreign URIs in ResourceView with async calls
- Information (as tooltips) about resources' and triples' nature and graphs in ResourceView,
- Support for datatype definitions through enumerations, restrictions and general dataranges expressed through dedicated UI or Manchester syntax,
- Improved Manchester syntax editor with support of syntax highlighting and syntax checking,
- Improved validation of typed values,
- New graph for class diagrams,
- Improved "dangling concepts" ICV with the possibility to run the check on all the schemes,
- Load data from dataset catalog,
- Fixed and improved Advanced Graph Applications in Sheet2RDF,
- Extended Configuration panel with new application-wide settings,
- Multiple administators,
- Possibility to customize the path of the SemanticTurkeyData folder,
- Configuration of the preload profiler threshold,
- Customization of optional user fields,
- Minor changes to the home page and basic customization of its content,
- Splash screen,
- Additional filters on languages to show only labels/notes lists for the desired languages
- Kazakhstan and Lithuanian flag icons added,
- Possibility to edit an implicit prefix-namespace mapping,
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.