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EIF Perspective attributes of VocBench

General information

Name of the solution:

Solution's owner: Publications Office of the European Union


 VocBench provides a solution to centralise the management of controlled vocabularies and metadata used by your public administration to support interoperability.

EIF perspective reference
Type of solution: Semantic assets
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The VocBench implements the following:

VocBench implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:

  • Recommendation 4 | Openness

    VocBench is a fully open source solution that can be used and maintained by any stakeholder. 

  • Recommendation 6 | Reusability

    VocBench enables collaborative editing and management of common vocabularies and metadata that can be used by all public administrations, thus allowing them to participate in sharing and reuse of information. 

  • Recommendation 9 | Technological neutrality and data portability

    VocBench3 ensures data portability by providing common vocabularies and standard ways to describe data. 

  • Recommendation 11 | User centricity

    VocBench3 is a common platform for management of vocabularies and metadata, hence acting as a single entry point for public administrations working on this topic. 

  • Recommendation 12 | User centricity

    VocBench3 is a common platform where all participants can contribute, share and edit available resources. 

  • Recommendation 16 | Multilingualism

    VocBench 3 caters to multilingualism by managing multilingual controlled vocabularies such as ontologies, thesauri, authority lists, glossaries and lexicons. 

  • Recommendation 31 | Semantic interoperability

    VocBench3 allows for management of metadata and common vocabularies by public administrations by providing a common platform that provides several functionalities to its users. 

  • Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability

    Various VocBench communities, spanning several different sectors exist. 

  • Recommendation 42 | Open data

    VocBench3 supports the publication of non-proprietary metadata by providing a common platform for its management.