ADMS.SW 0.5 Switch to the latest release
ADMS.SW, is a metadata vocabulary to describe software, preferrably Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS), making it possible to more easily explore, find, and link them on the Web. The specification aims at maximally reusing existing specifications, such as DOAP, SPDX, ISO 19770-2, ADMS, and the Trove software map, and build consensus on the specification among e-Government professionals in Europe and beyond.
ADMS.F/OSS was renamed ADMS.SW
After the Working Group meeting of 2012.06.05 the name of the specification changed from ADMS.F/OSS to ADMS.SW, because the conceptual model is perfectly suited to describe non-F/OSS software. However, the focus of the software catalogue on Joinup remains F/OSS-only software.
- Release 0.3 was open for public comments until June 2 2012.
- All issues were discussed in the Working Group Meeting of 2012.06.05.
- version 0.4 was released for review by the Working Group
- This release (version 0.5) is another editorial draft for review by the Working group
- Latest version:
Getting started
A good way to review the usability of the specification is by describing a software project, asset, and distribution using the spreadsheet template created for this purpose.
The process and methodology followed in the development of ADMS.SW is set out in detail in the document “Process and Methodology for Developing Core Vocabularies”. Further background is available in the studies "Vision for an enhanced software description metadata schema and software catalogue for e-Government” and “Report on existing Software Forges” which offers an overview and context for the work.
Vocabulary terms at glance
The conceptual model presented below is independent of any technology that may be used to represent it. It shows the various concept types with their relationships.
About RADion
The common elements of ADMS, ADMS.SW and DCAT are combined in RADion. The work of RADion and ADMS will be continued by the W3C Government Linked Data (GLD) Working Group. The following placeholders for the namespace documents are forseen: