In the beginning of May 2023, the first release of the SEMIC Style Guide was made publicly available.
The Style Guide has gone through an extensive public review, including two webinars, an external expert report, bilateral discussions with stakeholders and the usual GitHub issues and has been greatly improved thanks to your feedback.
Go directly to the SEMIC Style Guide.
What is the SEMIC Style Guide?
The SEMIC Style Guide is a document that defines principles & rules to be applied to semantic data specifications.
The objective is to foster the use of standards by offering guidelines and expert advice on semantic interoperability for public administrations.
Who is it for?
This Style Guide is primarily intended for semantic engineers, data architects and knowledge modelling specialists who are acting as editors or reusers of Core Vocabularies and Application Profiles.
This style guide also constitutes a good source of information and explanations for the European Commission’s officers, consultants and stakeholders involved in interinstitutional standardisation.
Find out more about the SEMIC Style Guide on the SEMIC Support Centre or on the SEMIC GitHub Repository.