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Member State Working Group to continue ADMS specification

Member State Working Group to…

Portal Admin
Published on: 07/10/2011 News Archived

In October, the ISA Programme will start up a Working Group with ISA Member State representatives to continue SEMIC.EU?s work on the Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS).

In the context of Action 1.1 of the ISA Programme, ISA will undertake a number of initiatives related to management of Open Government Metadata. These initiatives will be carried out between October 2011 and April 2012, and include the following:

  1. Encourage Member States to adopt policies, processes, and repositories for metadata management at national, regional or local level;
  2. Refine and build consensus on a way to describe semantic assets, what we call the Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS);
  3. Set up a federation of semantic asset repositories with interested Member States that uses the above-mentioned ADMS specification as a common format for sharing semantic asset descriptions;
  4. Encourage Member States to endorse and reuse the ADMS specification.

To this end, a process and methodology has been defined to support the continued development of ADMS. This process has recently been initiated and the activation of the Working Group has now started. The Working Group will be responsible for completing the current version of the ADMS specification and presenting it to a Review Group, consisting of representatives from the Member States.

ADMS can be seen as a common format to describe description metadata of semantic assets. The Member States will be encouraged to adopt this format as it will allow exchanging information about semantic assets. Joinup will act as a central access point enabling users to discover semantic assets from different Member States more easily.

The current SEMIC.EU Asset Repository will also be migrated to Joinup. This will enable Asset Owners to take advantage of the complete stack of collaborative tools offered by Joinup: a version control system, wiki-functionalities, mailing lists and more to build a strong community to further develop the semantic asset. Furthermore, the Asset Clearing Process will come in a redesigned version, making it clearer and more straight-forward to register new assets and releases.

In all this, the involvement, active participation, and eventually reuse and endorsement by the ISA Member States and the broader e-Government community are critical success factors. For this reason, you are encouraged to contact us if you would like to contribute.