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ADMS.SW used to introduce Semantic Web descriptions in the Debian Package Tracking System

ADMS.SW used to introduce Sem…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 30/08/2012 News Archived

The Debian Package Tracking System is the central tool which publishes details of the status of the various releases of the Debian distribution source packages.

In addition to web pages usable by Debian contributors and advanced users, it has just been improved with the generation of RDF meta-data documenting the source packages, their releases and link to other packaging artifacts, using the ADMS.SW 1.0 model.

This should enable the interlinking of these Debian package descriptions with other FLOSS project's ADMS.SW or DOAP descriptions available on the Semantic Web using Linked Data principles. This will be particularly interesting for traceability with upstream FLOSS project whose releases are packaged in Debian, derivative distributions reusing Debian packages, or with other GNU/Linux distribution packages.

More details can be found in Debian Package Tracking System now produces RDF description of source packages (blogged by Olivier Berger at Télécom SudParis who contributed this new PTS feature, and one of the contributors to the ADMS.SW working group).


City/Location: Evry (France)