We would like to invite you to a webinar dedicated to the specific topic of identifiers regarding DCAT-AP on the 10th of March at 10:00 (CET).
One of the most important data processing steps of data catalogues is harvesting. City data portals are being harvested by national data portals, which in turn are harvested by the European Data Portal. This results that the same dataset description is present on multiple data portals. In this webinar we take a closer look at one key information element: the identifier of a dataset or data service. The value of this information has been acknowledged by the community, but because not everyone is approaching it in similar way, aggregating data portals have difficulties to conduct tasks like detecting duplicates.
The tentative agenda for this webinar is the following:
- Welcome
- A state of play on identifiers
- Exchange of ideas on guidelines for identifiers and harvesting processes to improve the knowledge graph on datasets and data services
If you would like to join the webinar, please send an email to aleksandra.lavreneva@pwc.com.
We invite you to contribute to this discussion on Github.
The meeting minutes, slides and recording of the webinar are available.