This article aims to help you in the search and discovery of interoperability-related information, resources, solutions, etc. within the Portal.
Discover content on the Homepage
1. Discover the key platform's content under the horizontal menu

- The Policy space: Discover news and events related to interoperability policy across the European Union, including information about the Interoperable Europe Act.
- The Solutions space: Discover a catalogue interoperable digital solutions for European public services, including software, frameworks, standards, tools and much more.
- The Support Centre space: Discover various services on legal, semantic, technical and organisational aspects to improve the interoperability of European digital services. You may also consult the Forum, under the Support Centre space to exchange insights, collaborate on projects and stay updated with the latest trends; and the EU country knowledge, that hosts key resources regarding public administrations' digitalisation at national and European levels.
- The Governance space: Discover information on all coordination matters related to cross-border interoperability of public services across the EU. This includes a dedicated space for its governance body – the Interoperable Europe Board, or the “Board” – and another space that centralises the most prominent EU digital funding opportunities.
- The Academy space: Discover open courses and support materials to boost public administrations' advanced digital skills in the interoperability field.
2. Discover content by topic
Browse content related to popular thematic areas (called Topics), including some such as:
- Open source;
- Digital-ready policy-making;
- Digital innovation;
- Smart cities;
- Etc.

3. Discover the latest content
Explore the curated sections that the Portal team updates frequently with the most up-to-date and salient information on the Portal. This includes the sections of 'In the spotlight', 'Highlighted Content', 'Latest news', and 'Highlighted Events'. Additionally, the 'Explore' section offers a quick look at the most recent additions to Collections, Solutions, News and Events.

Find content in the 'Advanced search'
To consult specific content, use the Search Function on the Homepage. Next to the main navigation bar, you will find the search box, where you may type several key words. You will be automatically redirected to the Advanced Search Page, where you will be able to filter the content based on a vast amount of topics, content types, and publication date.

Browse content outside the platform
All content that has been published on the Portal can be accessed through outside sources as well, i.e. by LinkedIn or X posts, the Interoperable Europe newsletter (to which you can subscribe here), Google searches, etc.
By following these steps, you can easily navigate and search for information on the Portal. For more detailed information on how to search and how to use the Portal, click here.
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