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How to create meaningful and attractive content on the Portal

Published on: 19/12/2024 Last update: 08/01/2025 Document

The Interoperable Europe Portal is a centralised point of entry for accessing and sharing a variety of interoperability tools, frameworks, and guidelines across Europe. It brings together government digitalisation professionals that use, develop and implement eGovernment solutions. The Portal has been created by the European Commission and it is funded by the European Union through the Digital Europe Programme

Content quality and novelty is one of the main reason users visit the Interoperable Europe Portal. Content that adds value and increases knowledge, combined with frequent updates, is what convinces users to become members of the different Collections - or thematic spaces - on the Portal. It is also what keeps members coming back and contributing to each of these Collections. Your content should be worth reading, worth sharing and worth revisiting.

This How-To document provides some insights and tips for creating content for the Portal collections.

Types of content that can be created in a Collection

We have predefined seven different types of content:

  • custom page;
  • solution;
  • news;
  • discussion;
  • document;
  • event;
  • glossary term.

Depending on the scope and purpose of a Collection, a single content type or a combination can be used to share information with Collection members and new visitors.

Tips to create meaningful and attractive content

For content to be meaningful and attractive, Collection owners and facilitators should ensure that it is:


Content should be linked to the theme or the subject of the Collection and be shaped around the interests of its members.


Valuable content can come in every shape, size, and media format. Varying the format of the content is a good way to keep members interested. Existing content can easily be refreshed, and knowledge can be transferred in more than one way. For example, a one-thousand-word article, when converted into a colourful infographic, could attract new readers and is more likely to be shared on social media.


Planning a content calendar helps you to post often as Collection owner or facilitator. It also sets a routine for your members and new visitors. So, post up-to-date content regularly and answer questions from members immediately. To start a discussion, you can come up with thought-provoking topics, to jump-start interaction and engagement between members. Your active input makes the Collection consistent and helps it to grow.


The owner or facilitator of a Collection should make sure that the content published on the platform is of high quality by moderating any content proposed by other members. The owner or facilitator should therefore value good contributions, by highlighting them and motivating others to comment. You should be aware that a lack of focus will discourage your users, so remove content that is inappropriate.

All of this will increase the value of the Collection which, in turn, will increase the likelihood of users becoming members, members becoming contributors, and your Collection remaining professional.

Note on using curated content in the Collection: For certain content types such as News, Events, Discussions, and Documents the Collection owner or facilitator can also opt to organise content and publish content from other Collections on the portal. Feel free to search for content created by others and, if you consider it relevant, add it to your Collection. Searching for existing content can help Collection owners or facilitators to focus the scope of their Collection and keep their members informed about related developments. Borrowing content will also ease your workload. When integrating curated content in the Collection, the source should always be mentioned as prescribed by the original poster.

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