The Portal

Nowadays, data is a central component in any kind of government publication, be it a report, a study, or a policy summary. Nonetheless, data is often not presented and published in a way that allows others to easily access, reuse and reference it.
The new Data in Publications online guide provides authors and publishers with practical recommendations on all of the data-related aspects of publications: writing about data, creating data visualisations, and preparing and publishing data.
How does it work?
Formatted as an extendable checklist, the guide compiles tips, examples, resources and visual aids (see example below) into a handy toolbox. It will help make your data, data visualisations and publications that contain data more accessible and reusable.
Who is the guide for?
This guide is relevant to anyone involved in the process of producing and publishing data and information for EU institutions, agencies and other bodies. This includes researchers, policymakers, communications specialists, data experts, IT specialists, publication coordinators, designers and contractors.
What kinds of publication does this guide target?
The publications can be any type of published content that contains or references data. This includes reports, studies and books, assessments, briefs and summaries, press releases, leaflets and brochures – both in print and online. The data could be a primary source (data produced and analysed specifically for this publication) or a secondary source (third-party data that is used as supporting material).
Give us feedback!
The Data in Publications guide was created by the Publications Office of the European Union. Currently available is a beta version of the guide. As we are continuing to develop it, we would love to hear your feedback. Please send us an email at OP-DATA-EUROPA-EU@publications.europa.eu, with ‘Data in Publications guide feedback’ in the subject line.