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The new version of the EIF Toolbox is going live on 21/10/2021!

New features added to the EIF Toolbox!

Konstantina Kyriakopoul…
Published on: 21/10/2021 Last update: 13/02/2024 News

The EIF Toolbox is a guiding tool for European public administrations on how to align their National Interoperability Frameworks (NIFs) with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and thus  foster the design and implementation of interoperable digital services at national and European level.

The structure of the toolbox provides a complete and holistic approach on interoperability to Public Administrations in Europe. It allows users to access information and reusable solutions and supporting material to address specific aspects of interoperability when designing a new digital solution or revamping existing ones.

This new version introduces a shift of focus from “Recommendations” to “Pillars” to leverage the potential of its elements and increase the overall value and user experience. The EIF Toolbox v2.0 includes new interesting features such as:

  • The navigation through the EIF Pillars has been simplified and enhanced visually to make interoperability more “actionable” through the creation of three new pages namely 12 Underlying Principles, 6 Interoperability layers, and, Conceptual Model.
  • 25 new custom pages have been created that account for all the EIF Pillars. Each of these pages, provides detailed information related to each “Pillar”.
  • New elements have also been integrated in each page related to the implementation of the EIF that will be further enriched over time, more specifically:
    • Relevant EU legal/policy initiatives;
    • Good practice and concrete examples of interoperability;
    • Open standards and specifications supporting interoperability;
    • Solutions supporting the implementation of the relevant EIF Pillars.
  • From now on, Member States will have the possibility to submit their own good practices and practical examples by filling in an online form via the “Contribute to the EIF Toolbox” button on the left-side menu of the toolbox. These best practice examples will be made available under the EIF Community page to stimulate discussions with members around the implementation of the EIF.

The EIF Toolbox is a comprehensive tool in the implementation of the European Interoperability Framework within Member States. As such, showcasing good practice examples is fundamental for its evolution.