In the context of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission (DG DIGIT) published the third and last progress report on the Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-Based Digital Government.
This third and last report, reflecting Member States’ commitment to meet the Declaration’s objectives by 2024, provides an overview of the progress made by the Member States in implementing the Policy Actions of the Declaration during the last year (2022-2023), including a historical perspective of the progress made since 2021 (2021-2023), as well as an assessment of the overall performance of Member States (EU average) under each Policy Action over this timeframe. The report analyses data stemming from the collection of the Berlin Declaration monitoring (BDM) exercise, which reports and highlights, on a yearly basis, the measures taken by each Member State, and identifies good practices and lessons learnt. Additionally, this year’s report includes Member States’ feedback on the overall BDM experience, as well as insights on their priorities and expectations for the future.
You can find below a snapshot from the report highlighting the key results and most progressing Policy Areas between 2021 and 2023.

Curious to learn more about the BDM results and discover qualitative stories from Member States? Wait no further and check out the full progress report here below!
The Declaration was signed in December 2020 by all EU Member States and reaffirmed European leaders’ commitment and dedication to assert the role of public administrations in driving a user-centric and value-based digital transformation of European societies. Building on the commitments made in the Tallinn eGovernment Declaration, the Declaration reinforced, through 7 key principles, that digital transformation in Europe should be based on democratic values and ethical principles. More information on the BDM and previous progress reports can be found here.
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