This page contains all the editions of the Digital Public Administration factsheets published under IOPEU Monitoring project, previously known as NIFO.

Digital Public Administration factsheets
The Digital Public Administration factsheets are a prime source of country intelligence on all digital public administration and interoperability-related matters in Europe. Since their inception in 2014, the factsheets have provided the state-of-play of digital transformation of public administrations across Europe, thus tracing its evolution over time. For this reason, the factsheets' name has changed with time to reflect such evolution from eGovernment, to Digital Government and finally to Digital Public Administration. Each year, a dedicated factsheet for the EU, which analyses and provides an overview of all the matters related to digital public administration and interoperability at the European Union level is also available.
The factsheets are updated on a yearly basis, in close collaboration with each country’s National Contact Point. They provide the readers with an overview of each country’s basic data, stemming from Eurostat, as well as some specific indicators related to the digital transformation within the country, stemming from the eGovernment Benchmark report. The results coming from the EIF monitoring mechanism exercise are also included within the factsheets to reinforce the vision of the interoperability-by-default principle, as part of the European countries’ digital transformation strategy.
Then, the factsheets report the latest political communications, legislations, as well as the latest changes in governance and newest infrastructures, that have been put in place to sustain the development and transformation of public administrations across Europe. The final chapter of the factsheets also presents an overview of the basic cross-border public services that are available to citizens and businesses in other European countries. Lastly, the factsheets provide information on European countries’ main actors and institutions responsible for the maintenance and delivery of Digital Public Administration services.
To access the different editions of the Digital Public Administration factsheets for European countries and the EU, click on the following links:

The Digital Public Administration factsheets as source of information
Co-VAL is an EU funded project that aims to find new ways of examining the co-creation of value and its integration to transform public administration services and processes. The Digital Public Administration factsheets were used as one of the main sources of information to create the Co-VAL dashboard, an online tool for collating and mapping key initiatives on digital government and co-creation across EU member states, the United Kingdom and leading municipalities. A comprehensive analysis of the dashboard results is available in the Co-VAL policy brief 'The 2021 State of Co-Creation: Delivering Services Together'.