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LEOS 5.1.3 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 10/12/2024

Compatible with Annotate - 5.1.*


This release is intended to provide an experience with the software and is stripped of several important components to enable ease of use. 

This software is adapted to run on a local server for demo purposes and without proper security mechanisms. 

This software is still under active development so some features may be added, removed or changed over course of time.


To compile the supplied source files and run the generated WAR the following software should be configured: 

  • Java SDK version 8.0 
  • Maven version 3.3.9+ (Maven runtime memory might need to be set: MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m) (Maven settings, proxy and mirrors, might need to be adjusted to your environment and internet access requirements) 
  • Supported browser is Google Chrome version 45+ (Mozilla Firefox ESR version 38.3 and Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 are known to work with minor issues)

What’s new?


  • LEOS LIght:
    • Fixed issues with export with Annotations;
    • Add before and after options removed from editor as not structural changes are foreseen for LEOS Light;
    • Added user notification upon export action;

Get in touch

We are envisaging to create an open source community on software for legislation drafting, in order to share best practices, experiences, expertise, and why not code!! Should you be interested in joining our open source community, or you would just like to share with us some observations on our work, please contact us at: 

We are looking forward to hearing from you,

The LEOS Team

Last update: 10/12/2024

LEOS 5.1.3

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 (EUPL)