Joinup 1.109.0 Switch to the latest release
Published on: 01/07/2024
Last update: 02/07/2024
- [ISAICP-8793] - php.ERROR: Can't find a mapped entity with UR
- [ISAICP-8805] - Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for sites/default/files/php/twig/<templatefile> in Drupal\Component\PhpStorage\MTimeProtectedFastFileStorage->getFullPath()
- [ISAICP-8806] - Type error in MediaLibrarySelectForm
- [ISAICP-8809] - Stuck-in unarchive task with node 701955
- [ISAICP-8852] - Remove short title from Body in Documents
- [ISAICP-8883] - Update Webfrom
New Feature
- [ISAICP-8791] - Allow logged in users to leave comments and replies anonymously
- [ISAICP-7198] - Get rid of Behat dead code and tests
- [ISAICP-8442] - Way for developer role to enable/disable config readonly on prod
- [ISAICP-8787] - Introduce HTML version of a document in a custom page
- [ISAICP-8825] - Update phpro/grumphp-shim + add grumphp twigcsfixer task
- [ISAICP-8864] - Batch archive solutions
- [ISAICP-8878] - Release v1.109.0
- [ISAICP-8885] - Update oe_bootstrap_theme to latest version
- [ISAICP-8795] - Update the member action button on the Community collection