The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) co-organized and co-hosted, along with the European Commission, under the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council, the Blue Olex table-top cyber exercise. The session took place in Hague, the Netherlands. The objective of the exercise was to test readiness of the EU in terms of cyber-attacks. Specifically, with the upcoming EU elections ahead of us, cyber threats are all over Europe and the EU needs to be prepared for any situation that may arise.
Launched in 2020 and established by the NIS2 directive in January 2023, the European Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network (EU CyCLONe) is the cooperation network for Member States national authorities in charge of cyber crisis management. BlueOLEx is an exercise for EU CyCLONe members, specifically played by executives, thus in the Blue Olex 2023 exercise, the state of EU-CyCLONe was tested. The aim was to identify improvements and potential gaps in the standardised way of responding to incidents and crises (i.e. Standard Operating Procedures), train on situational awareness and information sharing processes.
Read the full press release here.