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Event report: “Synergies for the future”-European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance GR digiGOV-innoHUB

Event report: “Synergies for the future”.

Published on: 18/07/2023 News

On Thursday, July 12, 2023, the European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance GR digiGOV-innoHUB in collaboration with the Hellenic Association of Innovative Applications Companies (SEKEE), the Hellenic Emerging Technologies Industry Association (HeTiA), Elevate Greece HeTiA , Elevate Greece and the organizations of the innovation ecosystem that support the hub, co-organized the online event “Synergies for the future“.

The online event was held to strengthen the contribution of innovative businesses to the creation of a new generation of digital services for citizens and businesses.


Mr. Yiannis Kotsis Giannarakis , Coordinator of GR digiGOV-innoHUB welcomed the participants and the presenters talking about the vision of the Hub. Mr. Alexandros Melidis , (pdf presentation ) general manager of GFOSS, after an introduction about the hub’s services to businesses, presented in detail the 4 challenges that will soon be the subject of the first open call. Afterwards, Mr. Tsilimparis , Project Manager presented the content and process of the upcoming invitations by answering clarifying questions from the participants.

Mr. Dritsas , CEO of Elevate Greece, referring to the hub as a structured approach of a European initiative that gives companies the opportunity to propose and implement solutions for the wider public sector. Mr. Zervakis, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hetia, anf Mr. Markou , director of SEKEE emphasized the continuation of the cooperation in order to find ways for its members to be actively involved in the implementation of the activities of the hub.

In the context of the collaborative approach to identifying challenges and promoting open innovation, GR digiGOV-innoHUB enables companies to register those challenges that will be the subject of future calls here: -proclhseon/

In the second part of the meeting, innovative applications from Greek companies that utilize modern technologies were presented. More specifically, they presented:

  • Mr. Panagiotis Tsantilas , Founder & CEO at Palo Services, presented the creation of a prototype application offering additional value in the tourism sector. He also referred to the proposed project to create information detection and analysis services to detect fake news.
  • Mr. Stavros Vassos , Co-Founder of Helvia, presented, (presentation pdf) an information application for political party positions that collects information from official official sources
  • Mr. Anastasios Manos, CEO at DotSoft, presented , a central smart city data management and display platform
  • Mr. Stathis Vlachos, CEO & Co-Founder at ilink, presented two ideas that emerged from brainstorming, the use of blockchain for public infrastructure maintenance and certification services, as well as computer vision AI.
  • Mr. Stavroulakis from NComp, (pdf presentation) presented digital twins applications for the collection of data from cities for the possibility of predictions.

Watch the video of the event

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Last update: 01/10/2024

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