After a long announcement period, the Ukrainian government makes it's e-governance application Diia open-sourced under the EUPL-1.2 license. Diia is an alternative solution to the BankID and electronic government services. 42 repositories are available for code review and contribution.
Diia proposes a mobile application providing access to the most important digital documents and government services, which Ukrainian citizens may now keep in their pocket.
The most obvious benefit is the convenience of such a platform. Citizens can have many documents on their smartphones at once, without concern about losing or damaging them: they can open their application and show or check the needed document, cutting much bureaucracy traditionally associated with public services and improving service speed and transparency.
Another benefit is that users become completely independent of their physical location. At a time when the war provoked by Russia has pushed 6 million people outside Ukraine's borders, this is particularly useful.
More information and links here.