ESPD exchange data model 2.1.1 Switch to the latest release
The ESPD EDM version 2.1.1 focuses on correcting minor errors and implementing the backwards-compatible-changes suggested by Member States and other Stakeholders in the ESPD-EDM in the GitHub issues workspace. The list below details exhaustively every change introduced since the publication of the previous release (2.1.0) of the ESPD-EDM:
Online documentation
As a part of the improvements introduced by this v2.1.1, the ESPD-EDM Wiki has been refactored in order to offer users a Single Information Point, where it is possible to easly acess to all its resources: documentation, tools, assets, etc.
One of the major novelties in the new v2.1.1 is the nomenclature change to refer the two different models: Regulated and Self-Contained, that from now on will be refered as Basic and Extended, respectively.
TOOP Requirements in ESPD-EDM (UBL2.2) Schema
A mapping for TOOP requirements to UBL2.2 Schema (which is the one used by ESPD-EDM) has been made, and it has been proved that they are fully mappable. For more information, please refer to the dedicated section of the online documentation.
You can also access to issue #254, where the topic was discussed.
Code Lists
- New Criteria OTHER-EO-SME, DEFENCE-SELECTION-OTHER and UTILITIES-SELECTION-OTHER codes have been added to Criteria Taxonomy Code List. ESPD-CodeLists-V2.1.1.xlsx.
- New code
has been added to ResponseDataType Code List, to properly identify the educational qualifications requested in Criterion 47, SC.ABILITIES.3 (Education). - Two new codes to identify the "new" Basic and Extended models have been added to QualificationApplicationType Code List.
- Missing Canonical Version URI and Location URI have been added to WeightingType Code List.
The code lists can be downloaded as an MS-Excel or as an ODS file. The list of criteria has been produced based on the CriteriaTaxonomy spread-sheets (both Basic and Extended).
The complete set of code lists has been generated as Genericode 1.0 XML files, which can be accessed and downloaded from the GitHub repository GC folder.
Business Rules
- National grounds are no longer mandatory.
ESPD Criteria Taxonomy
- The first question subgroup of Criterion #61: NOT_RELIED_ON_ENTITITES of Basic model has been rolled-up to the its state on previous v1.0.2 to ensure maximum compatibility between versions. I.e. "Name of entity", "ID of the entity" and "Activity of the entity" questions have been removed.
The question subgroup of Extended model maintains the structure introduced in v2.0.2.
- New Criterion OTHER-EO-SME has been added to *Extended model, as the UBL code "industry classification" used until now does not allow to give the yes/no answer included in the Directives.
- The type of "Number of fiscal years" requirement of Criterion #30: SC-General_Average_Turnover of **Extended model ** has been changed from start date/end date to QUANTITY_INTEGER.
- New Criteria DEFENCE-SELECTION-OTHER and UTILITIES-SELECTION-OTHER have been created for the specific needs of procedures regulated by Directives 2009/81/EC and 2004/17/EC, respectively.
- In the selection Criterion #37: SC-REFERENCES The cardinality of the first QUESTION, "Recipient name" of QUESTION_SUBGROUP 6afa7569-e4c4-4538-be89-84a82b2a301b has been changed to 0..1.
- New UUIDs have been added for the newly created Criteria, groups and sub-groups where needed. For a comprehensive list of the new UUIDs and their creation reason, please refer to the following document.