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ESPD exchange data model 2.1.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 04/06/2021 Last update: 12/06/2024

The ESPD EDM version 2.1.0 focuses on the stabilisation of the previous specification, notably of the SELF-CONTAINED features. No changes have been introduced in the UBL-2.2 XSD schemas beyond the fact that the namespace of the XSD Schema is now the final one (as published by the OASIS UBL-2.2 TC in July 2018). The list below details exhaustively every change introduced since the publication of the previous release (2.1.0) of the ESPD-EDM:

Online documentation

The following sections are new, in the XML Implementation Guide v2.1.0.

  • IV.8 GUI control elements: About the sets of data elements (codes acting as ''processing instructions'') that help software applications control how to show the Graphic User Interfaces (GUI). The section covers three subjects:
  • VI.1 Alpha criterion: This section describes how the economic operator (EO) has the possibility, in the REGULATED ESPD-Response document, of specifying that it meets all the selection criteria (thus avoiding the specification of each one of the selection criteria specified in the ESPD-Request. This is a special feature only possible in the REGULATED ESPD;
  • Some selection criteria have been split in multiples sub-sections, e.g. "Abilities"; this is also explained with more detail below;
  • VII. Other aspects of participation and selection: In restricted procedures, competitive procedures with negotiation, competitive dialogue procedures and innovation partnerships, contracting authorities may limit the number of candidates meeting the selection criteria that they will invite to tender or to conduct a dialogue. To cover this possibility, the ESPD Regulation introduces a section named "Reduction of the number of qualified candidates" that is not a true selection criterion. Hence this denomination of "participation criterion".
  • IX Putting pieces together: The ESPD-EDM specification, notably regarding the SELF-CONTAINED ESPD, defines different complex sets of data that are scattered in distant locations of the corresponding XML instance. Consequently, implementors of software dealing with the ESPD XML instances may have a hard time to identify what needs to go in the XML instance and where. This is the case of, specifically, the data related to topics dealing with special situations like lots, weights and uuids. To help implementors understand these topics and how to tackle them, the sub-section provides abundant explanations and examples.
  • Interoperability testbed: A new section has been added to provide the latest URL to access the interoperability testbed and validate the ESPD document instances at testing and integration time.
  • Other new resources:
    • Examples related to the proposal on how to decouple the GUI from the data structures in future versions of the ESPD-EDM;
    • Examples on how to assign constant UUIDs to the Properties of a Criterion, instead of using dynamically generated UUIDs (a method that is currently under discussion: see the Issue #226);
    • Examples provided by the ESPDint solution and other manually adapted for the illustration of Lots, Weights and References.

UBL-2.2 Schemas

  • The default namespaces for the two UBL-2.2 maindoc used in ESPD are now:
    • urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:QualificationApplicationRequest-2
    • urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:QualificationApplicationResponse-2
    • The rest of all the XSD Schemas namespaces used in UBL-2.2 start now with urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:, too
    • See also how the section II.3 UBL-2.2 Documents and libraries in the online documentation has been adapted

Code Lists

  • The criteria taxonomy has been added as a code list to the spread-sheet ESPD-CodeLists-V2.1.0.xlsx. This has facilitated the automated generation of the ESPD-CriteriaTaxonomy Genericode instance with the UUIDs and Codes of each criterion. The code lists can be downloaded as an MS-Excel or as an ODS file. The list of criteria has been produced based on the CriteriaTaxonomy spread-sheets (both REGULATED and SELF-CONTAINED).
  • New codes have been added to the Code List ResponseDataType to increase the semantics of the basic elements thus facilitating the software application to process the responses of the economic operator in the SELFCONTAINED ESPD-Response document (the ''semantisation'' also facilitates the validation purposes, e.g. to ease the validation of whether the attribute schemeID carries a code defined in the EOIDType code list).
    • ECONOMIC_OPERATOR_IDENTIFIER, to detect whether an identifier in the response corresponds to to detect an Economic Operator
    • LOT_IDENTIFIER, to identify procurement procedure lots in the responses
    • WEIGHT_INDICATOR, to easily detect that an indicator corresponds to the fact that a criterion is weighted or not
    • CODE_BOOLEAN, to identify a specific type of GUI control element (e.g. a radio button)
  • Two new codes have been added to distinguish the Sole Contractor from the Consortium's Lead Entity. The old SCL one has been marked as deprecated. See the code list EORoleType.
  • The complete set of code lists has been re-generated as Genericode 1.0 XML files, which can be accessed and downloaded from the GitHub repository GC folder.

Business Rules

The Interoperability Testbed has been set up to cope with the validation of ESPD-Request and ESPD-Response v2.1.0 documents (click on the arrow of the combo-box 'Validate as').

ESPD-REGULATED Criteria Taxonomy

  • In previous versions it was decided not to have a criterion named 'Global indication for all selection criteria' (a.k.a. the "Alpha Criterion") which would avoid the need of specifying long lists of selection criteria. The description of this criterion, as shown in the transitional EC's ESPD-Service, is "Concerning the selection criteria the economic operator declares that It satisfies all the required selection criteria indicated in the relevant notice or in the procurement documents referred to in the notice.". After discussion the ESPD Working Group decided to retrieve back. Thus a new data structure for the Alpha Criterion has been added to the REGULATED Criteria Taxonomy spread-sheet.
    A new Section has also been added to the online documentation (see section VI.1 Alpha Criterion).
  • Exclusion Criteria #7 and #8 (section V.2 Contributions)
    • The data structures have been redone for better alignment to the ESPD Regulation
  • Selection criteria about ''Suitability'' are now split into two types of data structure, ''Enrolments'' and ''Service Contracts''. See tabs ''Suitability-I'' and ''Suitability-II'' of the ESPD-CriteriaTaxonomy-REGULATED spread-sheet.
    • The cardinality of the QUESTION_GROUP c0cd9c1c-e90a-4ff9-bce3-ac0fe31abf16 has been changed from 1 to 1..n
  • Selection Criterion #62 (CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.LOTS_TENDERED, See sections VIII.6.1 Regulated economic operator party and VIII.6.2 Self-contained economic operator party. See also Issue #212)
    • The data structure has changed, it now contains only a QUESTION asking for the list of Lots IDs as a free text field (differently to the ESPD-SELFCONTAINED which asks for a collection of LOT_IDENTIFIER data elements).
    • The group "Is this information available electronically" has been removed
    • This criterion (named "Contributions certificates") has been removed because it was redundant: the information required therein was also asked in C#58 "EO registered in a PQS" (CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.TOGETHER_WITH_OTHERS). More details are provided in the Issue #227.
  • The cardinalities of the block "Is this information available electronically" have been re-adjusted


  • Exclusion Criteria #1 to #6 (section V.1 Convictions)
    • The UUID of the sub-group of questions referring to the date of conviction, reason, who has been convicted, etc. has been corrected and is now the same as in the REGULATED version
    • The cardinality of the main group of QUESTION(s), with UUID "7c637c0c-7703-4389-ba52-02997a055bd7" (line 11), has changed from 1..n to 1
  • Exclusion Criteria #7 and #8 (section V.2 Contributions)
    • The data structures have been redone for better alignment to the ESPD Regulation
    • The descriptions of the two criteria have been modified (as there was a mistake in the wording)
    • Time lapses that were treated as DESCRIPTIONS are now addressed as PERIODs; e.g. Criteria #7 and #8
    • The indentation of the QUESTION inside "Is this information available electronically" has been corrected
  • Selection Criteria #5 to #28 (section VI.2 Suitability):
    • The data structure has been updated, a PropertyDataType NONE was missing in line 6. This is a ''dummy'' element necessary here because the UBL-2.2 XSD Schema makes mandatory that the first element inside a GROUP or SUBGROUP must be a cac:TenderingCriterionProperty
    VI.3 Turnovers)
    • The REQUIREMENT "Number of fiscal years" has been corrected (from AMOUNT to QUANTITY_INTEGER).
    • The property data type of the field 'Please specify' (in line 12) has changed from DESCRIPTION to DATE
    VI.6.2 Self-contained risk indemnity insurance)
    • The property data type for the identification of Lot ID in the CA requirement has changed to LOT_IDENTIFIER
    • Cardinality in Structure "Is this information available electronically" QUESTION has been changed to 1..n
    • Wrongly indented QUESTION has been corrected (in the structure "Is this information available electronically")
  • Selection Criterion #36 (CRITERION.SELECTION.ECONOMIC_FINANCIAL_STANDING.OTHER_REQUIREMENT(s), see section VI.7.2 Self-contained other economic or financial requirements)
    • The property data type for the identification of Lot ID in the CA requirement has changed to LOT_IDENTIFIER
    • UUIDs added
    • Cardinality corrected
    • Wrongly indented QUESTION has been corrected (in the structure "Is this information available electronically")
    the criterion Data Structure in section ''VI.8.2 Self-contained references'' and in the SELF-CONTAINED Criteria Taxonomy spread-sheet tab ''SC-References'')
    • REQUIREMENT(s) regarding the identifiers of Lots are now semantised as LOT_IDENTIFIER
    • Cardinality of the QUESTION in the block "Is the information available electronically" has been corrected (from 1 to 1..n)
  • Selection Criterion #39 (CRITERION.SELECTION.TECHNICAL_PROFESSIONAL_ABILITY.REFERENCES.SERVICES_DELIVERY_PERFORMANCE, see the Criteria Taxonomy for the SELF-CONTAINED ESPD and section ''VI.8.2 Self-contained references'')
    • Description has been corrected. It now reads "For public service contracts only: During the reference period, the economic operator has provided the following main services of the type specified. Contracting authorities may require up to three years and allow experience dating from more than three years.".
  • Selection Criteria #40 to #51 about ''Abilities'' have been split into 5 different data structures
    (See these tabs in the ESPD-CriteriaTaxonomy-SELFCONTAINED spread-sheet)
    • SC-Abilities_1 (Persons), Criteria #40 and #41 (technicians)
    • SC-Abilities_2 (Facilities), Criteria #42 to #46 (about facilities, studies, supply chain, etc.)
    • SC-Abilities_3 (Education), Criterion #47 (about educational and professional qualifications). Concerning this Criterion, an Information Box has also been added to explain what is ESCO, the need of using URLs to identify the Qualifications and where to find additional information about ESCO (see also information box and XML example in section ''VI.9.6 Self-contained Abilities (III) - Education'')
    • SC-Abilities_4 (Checks), Criterion #48 (about allowance of checks), and
    • SC-Abilities_5 (Staff), about the contractor's personnel
    • The word waited was replaced with weighted in different places of the criterion.
  • Selection Criteria #52 and #53 (Samples and certificates, section 'VI.11 Samples and certificates')
    • An indentation was corrected in Criteria 52 and 53. The QUESTION tag was misplaced and hidden.
    • Wrongly indented tag {QUESTION} has been corrected.
    • The data structure has changed, the CAPTION "If the relevant documentation is available electronically, please provide it" has been removed. The use of the block "Is this information available electronically" (UUID) must be used for that specific purpose.
    • The data structure of this criterion has been modified to align it to the one in the REGULATED ESPD
    • A CODE property data type has replaced the type IDENTIFIER (which was wrongly assigned to the field 'Please indicate the role of the economic operator in the group (leader, responsible for specific tasks...)' in line 8).
  • Selection Criteria #60 (Relied on entities, CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.RELIES_ON_OTHER_CAPACITIES)
    • In Criterion 60, the DataPropertyTypes ECONOMIC_OPERATOR_IDENTIFIER has replaced IDENTIFIER in line 8
    • CODE has replaced DESCRIPTION in line 9
    • Wrongly indented tag {QUESTION} has also been corrected.
  • Selection Criterion #61 (CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.SUBCONTRACTS_WITH_THIRD_PARTIES. The code list to be used is the maintained in SIMAP for CodeLists (
    • ID of the subcontractor has been semantised from IDENTIFIER to ECONOMIC_OPERATOR_ID
    • The field 'Activity of the entity (for this specific procedure) can now be expressed as a set of one or more CPV codes
  • Selection Criterion #62 (CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.LOTS_TENDERED, See sections ''VIII.6.1 Regulated economic operator party'' and ''VIII.6.2 Self-contained economic operator party'')
    • The group "Is this information available electronically" has been removed
    • Wrongly indented tag {QUESTION} has been corrected.
    • This criterion (named "Contributions certificates") has been removed because it was redundant: the information required therein was also asked in C#58 "EO registered in a PQS" (CRITERION.OTHER.EO_DATA.TOGETHER_WITH_OTHERS). More details are provided in the Issue #227.
  • The cardinalities of the block "Is this information available electronically" have been re-adjusted


  • Criteria UUIDs are not backwards-consistent (with versions 1.0.2, 2.0.*). New UUIDs have been added for the new ESPD-SELF-CONTAINED groups and sub-groups where needed. All corrected and new UUIDs are red-coloured in the CriteriaTaxonomy spread-sheets.


Last update: 08/01/2024

ESPD exchange data model v2.1.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 (EUPL)