
The Location Interoperability Framework Observatory (LIFO) monitors the implementation of location interoperability good practices in European public administrations, based on the level of adoption of recommendations in the EULF Blueprint.
The overview of 2020 location interoperability status in the Netherlands is based on the information provided by Geonovum (National Spatial Data Infrastructure executive committee).
LIFO 2020 Netherland
The Netherlands has obtained good results in the implementation of actions defined under all focus areas in the EULF Blueprint, scoring consistently above the European average.
In the “Policy and Strategy Alignment” focus area, the country performs above the European average thanks to a location information policy integral to, and aligned with, a wider data policy at all levels of government, and to the effective use of location-based analysis for evidence-based policy making. Most location data is available free of charge and without restrictions under an open licence making reference to a national licensing framework.
Under the “Digital Government Integration” focus area, a rigorous approach to service improvement and take-up of opportunities for new businesses/delivery models, and integration of different location and statistical datasets in the production of location-based statistics, all contribute to the Netherlands performing above the European average.
In the “Return on Investment” focus area, the Netherlands’ strengths are related to the extensive and consistent set of actions to facilitate the use of public administrations’ location data by non-governmental actors. This is accompanied by effective communication of the benefits of integrating and using location information in digital public services.
The Netherlands scores above the European average in the “Standardisation and Reuse” focus area due to the adoption of a common architecture to develop digital government solutions, and to the application of relevant standards to develop a comprehensive approach for spatial data modelling, sharing, and exchange.
The “Governance, Partnerships and Capabilities” focus area mixes very good with less positive results. The former relates to the strong level of involvement of relevant communities, domains and sectors in the governance of location information and to the large number of formal agreements between public authorities to finance, build and operate location data services and digital public services using location data. The latter concerns the limited span of actions dedicated to geospatial skills.
LIFO index for 2020
The value of the overall LIFO index combining the scores for all focus areas is 0.61, which confirms the good performance of the Netherlands in terms of location interoperability. This compares with a European average of 0.55.

Additional information
For more details, download the factsheet in the attachment section below.
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Click here to explore the LIFO 2020 and 2019 results in the LIFO Interactive Dashboards
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