The Location Interoperability Framework Observatory (LIFO) monitors the implementation of location interoperability good practices in European public administrations, based on the level of adoption of recommendations in the EULF Blueprint.
The overview of 2020 location interoperability status in Greece is based on the information provided by Ministry of Environment and Energy.
LIFO 2020 Greece
The information from the LIFO 2020 data collection indicates that Greece scores below the European average, with significant room for improvement, in all the five focus areas.
The “Policy and Strategy Alignment” focus area is where Greece has the highest score, thanks to the availability of a good number of core location datasets as open data without restrictions. Less positive aspects are:
• the lack of guidelines on the publication of public sector information, including location data;
• no legislation nor binding agreements regulating the use in digital government of authoritative location datasets and services;
• few organisations are fully compliant with GDPR concerning location data;
• only generic references to INSPIRE or other standards are made in public sector procurements of location information and/or services.
Under the “Digital Government Integration” focus area, a good practice is represented by the use of SDIs and INSPIRE datasets for the delivery of some cross-border digital public services. Location information is used only to a limited extent to optimise key digital public services, and only a limited set of actions are implemented for the integration of location and statistical information in the production of location-based statistics.
In the “Standardisation and Reuse” focus area, Greece is positioned close to the European average with regard to the development of APIs for SDI and INSPIRE datasets: various of location data APIs have been developed, , documented and are accessible. However, only one location information register (cadastral parcels) has been implemented. Limited actions have been taken to ensure data quality, few spatial data sets are in conformity with Regulation (EU) No. 1089-2010 and almost all network services are not yet in conformity with Regulation (EC) No. 976-2009.
In the “Return on Investment” focus area, a considerable array of measures is implemented to make the process of searching, finding and accessing location data and web services as easy as possible for companies, research institutions, citizens and other interested parties. Conversely, no structured approach to monitoring the performance of location-based services has been adopted. Only basic communication is provided about the benefits of integrating and using location information in digital public services.
Finally, under the “Governance, Partnerships and Capabilities” focus area, while there are some formal agreements between public authorities to build and operate location-enabled digital services, there is considerable room for improvement regarding the governance, partnerships and capacity building dimensions.
LIFO index for 2020
The value of the overall LIFO index combining the scores for all focus areas is 0.28, which highlights several gaps of Greece’s practices under various areas of location interoperability. This compares with a European average of 0.55.
Additional information
For more details, download the factsheet in the attachment section below.
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