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ELISE Webinar - Using serious games in the geospatial domain to stimulate digital transformation of government

Published on: 20/12/2019 Last update: 12/05/2021 Event Archived

Digital Government Transformation is about creating open, efficient and inclusive public administrations that provide high-quality services to citizens, businesses and other stakeholders. Serious games offer possibilities to improve communication  and can be used to stimulate stakeholder involvement in collaboration in both policy-making and (online) service delivery. What are the main issues to consider in order to maximise the benefits of gamification in the geospatial domain to stimulate the digital transformation of government?

Serious Games Webinar

The webinar starts with an introduction on foundations, concepts and practice. A brief history of serious games’ use and fundamentals for collaboration through gamification are used to identify the strengths of using games in the geospatial domain, in particular for knowledge transfer and as part of innovative educative methods, such blended learning.

 ‘Why’ can games help stimulate the digital transformation of government?

We explore the potential value of gaming in interaction and value creation in digital transformation, the roles and processes involved, multi-stakeholder interaction issues which can be addressed (such as trust, cooperation, conflicts, challenge, problem solving, interaction and competition).  We believe the key is the good alignment between the desired outcomes of the game and the process that it intends to stimulate. This will be illustrated with games having a geospatial dimension that are used in a variety of domains for different purposes.

What’ elements can be stimulated through gamification?

For location interoperability, the digital transformation of government and socio-technical developments in this arena, we find the following issues to be most relevant: knowledge sharing (issues of player skills, feedback and interaction), risk assessment (how to deal with uncertainty, imprecision and errors), adaptability, level of goals achievement, multi-player interaction (simulating the multi-stakeholder interaction), geospatial competence domain’s characterising potential ‘serious games’ and the ‘learning through play-experience’.

How’ to prepare the design and development of serious games?

We consider strategies for framing serious games, such as player’s motivation and engagement, multiplayer interaction. We will then discuss how the four conceptual pillars for game design (player-centred, iterative, interdisciplinary and integrated) can be used in the geospatial domain to stimulate digital transformation of government.


This leads to issues of game mastering, such as situational awareness and adaptation, and to a brief reflection on standards linked to gamification in the geospatial domain.


The webinar is the sixth of a series of “Rapid Studies” under the ELISE ISA2 Action that aim to quickly engage with new topics of relevance to location interoperability, the digital transformation of government and socio-technical developments in this arena.

The webinar will take place on the 14/01/2020 from 14h to 15h30.

If you are interested in this webinar, do not hesitate to enrol by registering through this link.

If you experience any problem or you have issues registering, please contact Robin Smith (Robin.Smith(at)


Check out the recording,  Speakers notes and supporting slides of this webinar.

If you are interested in knowing more about ELISE Rapid Studies and Webinars you can find further information here



Introduction to the topic

‘Why’ can games in the geospatial domain help stimulate the digital transformation of government?

‘What’ elements can be stimulated through gamification?

‘How’ to prepare the design and development of serious games

‘Who’: game mastering issues

Where’ and ‘When’: dealing with situational awareness and adaptation 

Synthesis of main messages


Virtual location

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