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STRATEGY H2020 DRS R&I Project's 2nd Interoperability Event

Published on: 21/04/2023 Last update: 23/04/2023 Event
Am Schillertheater 2, 10625 Berlin, Germany

STRATEGY H2020 R&I DRS Project brings together standardisation bodies, policy makers, technology suppliers and first responders from several EU countries who will collaborate over three years to improve the interoperability of crisis management solutions both within and between countries. STRATEGY is facilitating the EU pre-Standardisation process through streamlining and validating interoperability in systems and procedures involved in the crisis management cycle (Homepage - Strategy (

KEMEA (Center for Security Studies) organizes on behalf of STRATEGY consortium the 2nd Interoperability event that will focus on the pre-standardization outcomes of the project, the interoperability challenges currently faced in crisis management and the contribution of standardization in facing them. The event will be organized physically on the 26th of April 2023 in Berlin and will be hosted by European Organisation for Security (EOS). During this event, STRATEGY is aiming at presenting / discussing the pre-final standardization outcomes of the project across its 8 thematic topics of crisis/disaster management (Search and Rescue, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Response Planning, Command and Control, Early Warning Systems and Rapid Damage Assessment, CBRN-E, Training and Terminology). This will be approached from the perspective of highlighting the way that these facilitate interoperability of responders and enhance the efficiency of response in civil protection crises. Additionally, a set of keynote speeches will be held, aiming to thematically cover (a) interoperability – challenges currently faced in crisis management, (b) standardization and its contribution in facilitating response and others.

The 2nd day of the event, on the 27th of April 2023, the STRATEGY Workshop in Civil Protection and Crisis Management will be also co-organized by EOS and Trilateral in the same location. This workshop aims to (among others) discuss the project implementation approach and reveal opportunities for further improvement across all its thematic streams while also will investigate possibilities for supporting / promoting its operational exploitation from (among others) a policy, ethical and societal perspective. In the workshop, engagement of all participants is envisaged, aiming to shedding light on policy, ethical and societal aspects that the implementation of the eleven (11) CEN Workshop Agreements (CWA) and two (2) Technical Specifications that are being drafted within STRATEGY project may be associated with.

The two-days hybrid event in the heart of Europe is considered as an excellent chance for all participants to get exposed to STRATEGY's rich standardization activity, discuss outcomes and jointly explore opportunities for the further improvement, development and exploitation (considering that STRATEGY completes its activities at the end of August 2023). 26th and 27th of April are open to project participants, members of the Advisory Board and the End-User Advisory Board and external invited experts, upon registration for both virtual participants and in-person attendees. The presence and contribution of all interested stakeholders is more than valuable. Please continue to register to the event.

                                              We look forward to meeting you!

Venue of the event: bbw Akademie für Betriebswirtschaftliche Weiterbildung GmbH, Am Schillertheater 2 10625 Berlin.

Map Location:

Last but not least, you can reach the interoperability-oriented STRATEGY's articles and updates of relevant previous events on the project's website (News area, News - Strategy ( 

  • Why is interoperability important? A view from first responders
  • Why is interoperability important? A view from technological developers
  • Why is interoperability important? A view from standardisation bodies
  • Improving the interoperability of crisis management solutions across the EU
  • STRATEGY’s 1st Interoperability Event in Rome (15,16/02/2023)- Enhancing the efficiency of response in civil protection crises
  • STRATEGY 1st Interoperability workshop held in Athens (10/06/2022)-CWAs.

Contact STRATEGY project coordinator to learn more about the project and its activities at

For more information visit the STRATEGY website, join this LinkedIn group on STRATEGY or track our hashtag on Twitter.


Contact email
Physical location
Am Schillertheater 2, 10625 Berlin, Germany
