The 2022 UserCentriCities Summit

What Citizens Need, What Cities Can Deliver
How Kyiv and Leading Cities Use Digital Technology to Serve Citizens in Times of War and Dislocation
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
12h00-13h30 CET
Followed by a Networking Lunch
No registration fee
Government of Catalonia Administrative District
Carrer del Foc, 57, 08038, Barcelona
The summit will convene on Tuesday, 15 November from 12h00-14h30 CET in Barcelona in the margins of the Smart City Expo (no registration fee) in collaboration with the region of Catalonia in the Government of Catalonia Administrative District, Carrer del Foc, 57, 08038, Barcelona (a 10-min walk from The Smart City Expo in FIRA).
The city of Kyiv is inspiring all of us as an example of courage and resilience in the face of aggression. Perhaps less known is the fact that thanks to their advanced digital platforms - the nationwide Diia and the municipal Kyiv Digital, they have been able to keep government services running and effectively deliver essential information and help, saving lives and assisting citizens in need.
Luckily, local authorities in the European Union do not face such extreme adversity. However, the recent pandemic and the ongoing energy crisis have shown that digital technologies should not only make services more convenient and faster, but also empower authorities to proactively address the needs of citizens, in particular those most in need.
How did Kyiv manage to adapt to the new reality which struck them so cruelly? What worked, and what didn’t? How can we ensure that all levels of government across Europe are able to deliver the necessary help to their citizens in times of need and in times of peace?
The 2022 UserCentriCities Summit will bring together city chief information officers, digital government experts and policymakers to exchange best practice and ask what is next for cities and regions? Petro Olenych and Oleg Polovynko, deputy mayor and chief digital officer of Kyiv, keynote in person. Senior digital-government representatives from Catalonia and Helsinki will join the discussion, looking at next steps towards scaling up and broadening adoption of digital services and lifting societal well-being.
High-Level Speakers include:
- Núria Espuny i Salvadó, director-general, digital public services, Catalonia region
- Tomas Lehtinen, head of data, City of Helsinki
- Petro Olenych, chief digital transformation officer (CDTO) and deputy mayor, Kyiv City Council
- David Osimo, director of research, the Lisbon Council; co-author, Human-Centric Digital Government: Using Data to Deliver Proactive Services
- Oleg Polovynko, chief information officer, Kyiv City Council
The summit will see the launch of Help Where It’s Most Needed: How Leading Administrations are Using ‘Proactive Public Service Delivery’ to Aid Citizens, a new policy brief that draws on top-notch examples of proactive service delivery by leading cities and regions in the UserCentriCities community.
In addition, the UserCentriCities project will convene a session in the booth of the European Commission within the Smart City Expo on Wednesday, 16 November from 17h00-18h00. More details on the programme and invitations will follow soon.
If you would like to register for the summit, please send an email to at your earliest convenience, with the subject heading "UserCentriCities Summit." Only registered participants will have access to the venue.
Welcome Reception
by the Government of Catalonia
High-level participants convene to discuss new evidence and emerging insights on the cutting edge of European municipal reform – and the way those reforms can be mobilised to deliver better citizen services.
The session includes a high-level briefing on Human-Centric Digital Government, a new policy brief to be launched in the margins.
Petro Olenych
Deputy Mayor and Chief Digital
Transformation Officer (CDTO), Kyiv
David Osimo
Director of Research, The Lisbon Council
Núria Espuny i Salvadó
Director-General, Digital Administration
and Organisation, Catalonia Region
Tomas Lehtinen
Head of Data, Helsinki
Oleg Polovynko
Chief Information Officer, Kyiv
Networking Lunch
Carrer del Foc, 57, 08038, Barcelona