PDF-Over 4.3.0 Switch to the latest release
Published on: 30/11/2020
Last update: 13/02/2024
PDF-Over 4.3.0 was released
- Support of the following signature profiles:
- Standard Signature Block (the signature block as before)
- Official Signature (this profile is used by public services for creating an official signature)
- Logo Only (this profile can be used to sign with just only a logo as signature block)
- Invisible (in this profile, the signature block is invisible)
- Support of new signature placeholder fields
- This placeholder fields can be created by using e.g. Acrobat Reader or other software
- The option to use can be set in the advanced configuration
- Support custom postfix
- The postfix of the signed file to save can be set in the advanced configuration settings
Installer of PDF-Over can be downloaded at https://technology.a-sit.at/en/pdf-over/
Source code is available at http://git.egiz.gv.at/pdf-over/