Published on: 02/09/2024
Since MOA-SPSS 3.1.x most of the underlying signature verification libraries were exchanged to support form validation of CAdES, XAdES, PAdES and ASiC signatures with MOA-SPSS. The certificate store format is different from version 3.0.0 onwards, but is automatically converted to the new format. In case of a failed update, administrators should create a backup of the currently used certificate store.
Changes from 3.2.3 to 3.2.4:
- Bugfix
- Improved error handling in Trust Status List (TSL) implementation
- Stabilization measures in SOAP WebService implementation
- Incorrect encoding in error messages fixed
- Stricter validation of ASN.1 encoded signature values for ECDSA signatures
- Update of third-party libraries
Release package:
"": SHA256 checksum: c546cf9f0c8e0bfedf9c1e2c7f9c0880bd48df4083e18fc5230b38d4d254c0f9
"": SHA256 checksum: 0c4b7e162aa103f65d54b3767607efc107b239edded93c01d879a7ec49fd97cd
"": SHA256 checksum: efebbab20c4baab5638e4c60bbe8c934fb3d22c3ddb424cdbcfd08842ce8968a
Representation technique