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EIF Perspective attributes of CISE Data Models

General information

Name of the solution:

Solution's owner: European Maritime Safety Agency


The use of CISE specifications and data models, helps to ensure that public administrations are taking into account relevant EU recommendations on standards and specifications in the maritime domain and are seeking to make the approach consistent across borders.

EIF perspective reference
Type of solution: Semantic assets, Common frameworks
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The CISE Data Models implements the following:

CISE Data Models implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:

  • Recommendation 4 | Openness

    CISE data models are based on open specifications. 

  • Recommendation 6 | Reusability

    CISE specifications are developed together with key stakeholders using them. There is a dedicated Forum where key stakeholders at national level can share and reuse knowledge, lessons learnt and solutions. 

  • Recommendation 7 | Reusability

    CISE specifications are developed together with the key stakeholders using them. There is a dedicated Forum where key stakeholders at national level can exchange useful information. 

  • Recommendation 8 | Technological neutrality and data portability

    By developing common specifications and data models, rather than a system, CISE, and in turn its users, remains technologically neutral. 

  • Recommendation 9 | Technological neutrality and data portability

    The use of CISE data models helps to ensure data portability in the maritime domain. 

  • Recommendation 12 | User centricity

    The users have been involved in the analysis and design of the CISE data model.

  • Recommendation 15 | Security and privacy

    CISE has been designed to handle sensitive data and personal data. A study has been launched to use the solution for the exchange of classified information.

  • Recommendation 18 | Preservation of information

    By using CISE specifications and data models, public administrations are contributing to the preservation policy of their data in the maritime domain, that will help to ensure the shareability and reusability in the future. 

  • Recommendation 22 | Interoperability governance

    The use of CISE specifications and data models, helps to ensure that public administrations are taking into account relevant EU recommendations on standards and specifications in the maritime domain and are seeking to make the approach consistent across borders.

  • Recommendation 24 | Interoperability governance

    By contributing to CISE forum, public officials working in the maritime domain are actively participating in standardisation work relevant to their needs.

  • Recommendation 30 | Semantic interoperability

    The use of CISE data models and standards helps public administrations to treat maritime data as a public asset that should be appropriately managed, shared, and preserved.

  • Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability

    Given that CISE aims to provide a common European format to exchange maritime data across borders. In this way, it also contributes to fostering a cross-border maritime community. 

  • Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability

    CISE is based on open specifications. 

  • Recommendation 42 | Open data

    The use of CISE enables public administrations to publish maritime data in machine readable and non-proprietary manner, including a description of their content.