With the recent adoption of the Implementing Act on High-value datasets under the Open Data Directive, European public authorities with data in scope are required to make available High-Value datasets (HVDs) together with metadata in a machine-readable form through APIs. This implies that, in the short run, public administration will need to work on further aligning their technical stack.
On the 21st of April from 10-13 CET, the Digital Economy Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with the APIdays conference organisers, reflected on the opportunities and challenges associated with APIs for implementing the Open Data Directive in the public sector and how to best collaborate with the private sector.
The workshop aimed at identifying opportunities lying behind investing in this implementation, such as:
- what returns on investments can be achieved through modernising the technical stack,
- how it could ease the integration of innovators
- how the latter could help exploit the value residing in HVD data assets by business ecosystems and the digital society at large.
Public and private practitioners discussed coordination models, infrastructures, and approaches to comply with the current data-sharing legal framework. Experts and participants exchanged their views about enablers and barriers to coordinating public and private digital interfaces, specifically through APIs.
You can find the full recording here.
Relevance of API in the policy context of Open Data Directive and Interoperable Europe
10:00-10:10 CET |
API Mindset for High-Value Datasets provision |
European Commission |
What can we learn from API adoption in digital ecosystems?
10:10-10:25 CET | The API Mindset to understand Open APIs vs Open Data | Mehdi Medjaoui, Founder APIdays conferences. Author, Lecturer and investor in the API tooling space. |
10:25-10:40 CET | APIs for open and virtuous ecosystems. Example with Healthcare sector | Mark Boyd, founder of Platformable and Analyst of the API industry |
Examples of operational environments opportunities and challenges
10:40-10:55 CET | How the Banking industry opened high-value datasets to re-invent fintech and value creation for the end user | Pinar Ozcan, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Oxford University. |
10:55-11:10 CET |
Open Banking Beyond Regulation |
Koen Adolfs, ABN AMRO |
11:10-11:25 CET |
Providing High-Value Datasets through APIs |
National land survey Finland |
11:25-11:40 CET | API-driven regional digital ecosystem | Marco Panebianco, Chief of Data Architecture and Digital ecosystems unit at ARIA S.p.A |
11:40-11:55 CET | Open data at scale with Open APIs | Frédéric Passaniti, Solution Architect chez Opendatasoft |
11:55-12:10 CET |
API strategy for HVD in the Netherlands |
Geonovum |
12:10-12:25 CET |
Lessons learned from monetizing data from 100 API Portals |
Alexandre Airvault, CEO of Blobr |
Paving the way forward
12:25-13:00 CET | From ideas to action: how to implement API strategy for high-value data sets? | All experts - Participants can interact through chat |
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