All the members of this working group, as well as any interested individual, are invited to join the virtual meeting on the progress on the draft of Specification for Registry of Registries that will be held on 11th of July, 14.00 - 15.30 CEST.
- Introduction
- Open issues and progress on the draft of the specification of registry of registries
- Next steps
- Q&A
Open Issues for discussion:
- [Issue #01] Content of a Base Registry
- [Issue #02] property 'isAuthoritative' for datasets
- [Issue #03] Description of a Registry Service
- [Issue #04] Subject of Datasets
- [Issue #05] Content of Datasets (DataElement)
- [Issue #06] Quality of Datasets
- [Issue #07] Legal Basis of the Services, Registries and Resources?
- *[Issue #08] Output of a Registry Service (cv:Output and dcat:Catalog)
(*new issue created after the previous WG meeting)
We are warmly inviting you to read the updated document that you can find on Joinup page Editor's draft After CPSV-AP Feedback and ABR WG Meeting in June.
The main update is incorporating feedback received from WG meeting in June, as well as CPSV-AP feedback.
Please share your comments directly on Joinup under related issues and discussions, or send them to our email address: ABR@trasysinternational.com.
Please feel free to share the meeting details with colleagues interested in the topic.
Connection details:
Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number (access code): 847 043 704
Meeting password: j7vsp663
Join from a video system or application
Dial 847043704@nrb.webex.com
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+32 2894 8317 Belgium toll
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll
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Dial 847043704.nrb@lync.webex.com
Can't join the meeting?
We are looking forward to discuss with you and answer your questions!
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