LEOS 5.2.0 Switch to the latest release
Compatible with Annotate - 5.2.*
This release is intended to provide an experience with the software and is stripped of several important components to enable ease of use.This software is adapted to run on a local server for demo purposes and without proper security mechanisms; This software is still under active development so some features may be added, removed or changed over course of time.
To compile the supplied source files and run the generated WAR the following software should be configured:
- Java SDK version 8.0.
- Maven version 3.3.9+ (Maven runtime memory might need to be set: MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m) (Maven settings, proxy and mirrors, might need to be adjusted to your environment and internet access requirements).
- Supported browser is Google Chrome version 45+ (Mozilla Firefox ESR version 38.3 and Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 are known to work with minor issues).
What’s new?
Technical improvements / changes
- Support for PDF/A on export;
- New DAP Plugin to offer drafting guidance to drafters;
- AKN4EU 4.1.1 Alignment:
- Enforce rule: A <paragraph> cannot have as nearest preceding sibling a <level>;
- Several fixes added to supported AKN4EU templates identified by ConVal validator;
- Revised REST API for updateWithTranslations : Inclusion of HTML renditions;
- Support for Entities/Groups on collaborators management API;
- Small label adaptations;
Track Changes
- Improved support for alternative articles and clauses;
- Improved stabilization over edge cases for edition tracking and element numbering ;
- Improved stabilization for accepting and rejecting track changes;
Legislative Financial and Digital Statement
- Support for new template for Digital format of Financial statement
- Support for dates: replaced from inline to Date element;
- LFDS document is now configurable depending on the proposal type;
LEOS Multilingual
- Loading of edition rules on Document view dependent on linguistic version;
- Improved stability:
- On merging of tables;
- On conflict detection algorithm for auto-merge;
- On undo of operations;
- Merge feedback improved;
Bug fixes
- Fixed SAML security integration issues;
- Improved Export clean version results;
- Improved stabilization of Annotations sidebar;
- Fixed Search&Replace UI glitch;
- Fixed : Reviewer : user with reviewer role could open TOC for edition under a specific edge case;
- Fixed numbering scheme for definition Articles.
Get in touch
We are envisaging to create an open source community on software for legislation drafting, in order to share best practices, experiences, expertise, and why not code!! Should you be interested in joining our open source community, or you would just like to share with us some observations on our work, please contact us at: DIGIT-LEOS-FEEDBACK@ec.europa.eu.
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