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Norway’s Difi co-finances 14 digitisation projects

Norway’s Difi co-finances 14…

Published on: 03/05/2017 News Archived

Norway’s Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) is helping to fund 14 eGovernment projects with a total of NOK 111 million (about EUR 12 million). Projects include eHealth, social welfare, agriculture, education, police and development cooperation.

The co-financing is intended to accelerate the digitalisation of the public sector, Difi explains in its announcement. This is the second year that Difi is helping to finance eGovernment projects.

One example of a co-financed project involves the Norwegian Building Authority. This public administration wants to improve its property and planning data, to simplify the planning and building process. The project is to take into account the needs of municipalities, giving priority to municipalities in densely populated areas and with a lot of building activity. The project should help save more than NOK 2 billion, Difi expects.

A second example involves the Directorate for eHealth and several municipalities. These are to develop digital communication between home care service providers and users. The project should result in major savings in home care services, by reducing the number of letters, phone calls, unnecessary visits and wasted travel time. The project should also improve the quality of services and save time for users and their relatives.

The complete list of co-financed projects can be found here.

More information:

Announcment by Difi (in Norwegian)
List of co-financed projects (in Norwegian)