The Citizen’s Folder is a one-stop service where citizens can access and browse all their information the administration possesses, either citizens or business, including open proceedings and registry entries, across all public entities integrated in the service (growing day by day). Citizens can see their data exchanges through this one-stop-shop service. For example, check the state of their tax returns or find out whether they have any pending traffic fines.
This service represents a paradigm shift in the citizen's relations with public administrations. Before, the citizen had to go to many offices or access to many websites to perform a procedure or consult certain information, each with its identification criteria and particular characteristics, causing the citizen to see the information of the Public administrations in a fragmented, disconnected, sometimes inconsistent, complex and difficult to follow-up way.
Now, with the Citizen´s Folder, public administrations are put at the service of the citizen, who accesses a single point and is offered in an integrated manner the information of all their personal data and files independently of the owner entity.
Citizens may obtain evidences; see what exchanges of information have been made between public administrations, what records they have presented, where they are and in what state, and more. And all this is available having been identified only once and navigating without needing to be identified again. It supposes a very high degree of interoperability.
All of the above is also possible because there are relevant pieces in the background like the inventories and coding of administrative objects, the services and procedures, and the units and offices of public administrations.
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