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Core Vocabularies 2.0.0 Latest release

Published on: 01/04/2022 Last update: 22/04/2024 Archived

This page describes version 2.0.0 of the Core Vocabularies specification, which is the latest release addressing all the comments and recommendations received during the public review period. 


Webinars in light of Core Vocabularies version 2.0.0

The SEMIC Action organised a series of webinars allowing the community to exchange and discuss the changes to be made as part of the next major release of the Core Vocabularies:

In this release the Core Person Vocabulary, the Core Location Vocabulary, the Core Business Vocabulary and the Core Public Organisation Vocabulary have been reviewed. The dedicated releases can be found here:

What’s new?

The following changes have been implemented in Core Vocabularies version 2.0.0

About Core Vocabularies

Core Vocabularies are defined as simplified, reusable and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of a data entity in a context-neutral and syntax-neutral fashion.