What is the Core Public Event Vocabulary?
The Core Public Event Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of a public event, e.g. the title, the date, the location, the organiser etc.
What are the benefits of using the Core Public Event Vocabulary?
The Core Public Event Vocabulary aspires to become a common data model for describing public events (conferences, summits, etc.) in the European Union. This specification enables interoperability among registers and any other ICT based solutions exchanging and processing information related to public events.
Get started
Download e-Government Core Vocabularies latest and previous releases.
Core Public Event Vocabulary key milestones
- In 2022, an effort was pursued towards an official release of CPEV.
- In 2018, a first public draft of CPEV, intended to be piloted, was released.
Get involved!
Do you want to participate in the work of our Core Vocabularies Working Group? Share your comments and change requests via the GitHub Core Public Event Vocabulary repository.